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Arturia KeyStep layout

Posted in Arturia, and Gear Panel Layouts


    • Text within [] indicates the control function when pressed whilst the Shift button is held down.


      • Seq/Arp switch
      • Seq/Arp Mode encoder
        1. /Up
        2. /Down
        3. /Inclusive
        4. /Exclusive
        5. /Random
        6. /Order
        7. /Up X2
        8. /Down X2
      • Time Div encoder
        1. Quarter
        2. Eighth
        3. Sixteenth
        4. Thirty-Second
        5. Quarter Triplet
        6. Eighth Triplet
        7. Sixteenth Triplet
        8. Thirty-Second Triplet
      • Rate knob
      • Tap Tempo/Rest/Tie button
      • Record [Append] button
      • Stop [Clear Last] button
      • Play/Pause [Restart] button

Mod section

Hold [Chord] Shift
Octave down [Transpose] Octave up [Keyboard Play]
Pitch Bend strip Mod strip


      • Press the Octave Down and Octave Up buttons together to reset to the default octave setting.
      • Hold the Octave Down and Octave Up buttons together at power-up to reset the unit to the factory default settings.
      • Hold Shift down whilst changing to a different sequence using the Arp/Seq Mode encoder to move smoothly between non-adjacent sequences. Release the Shift when you are at the position that you want.
      • Hold Shift down whilst changing to a different time division using the Time Div encoder to move smoothly between non-adjacent time divisions. Release the Shift when you are at the position that you want.
      • Press the Tap Tempo/Rest/Tie button while you have keys held down during sequence recording to tie the notes to the next step.
      • Whilst recording a sequence you can activate legato playing by holding down the Tap Tempo/Rest/Tie button as you play all the steps you want then release the button at the end of the legato phrase.
      • Press the Stop button 3 times quickly to send an all notes off message.

Shifted Key Functions

      1. Lowest 16 keys set MIDI channel 1-16
      2. Gate 10%
      3. Gate 25%
      4. Gate 50%
      5. Gate 75%
      6. Gate 90%
      7. Swing off=50%
      8. Swing 53%
      9. Swing 55%
      10. Swing 57%
      11. Swing 59%
      12. Swing 61%
      13. Swing 64%
      14. Swing 67%
      15. Swing 70%
      16. Swing 73%
      17. Swing 75%


  • USB
  • DC 9V
  • Mod CV
  • Gate
  • Pitch CV
  • Sustain pedal
  • Sync out
  • Sync in
  • MIDI out
  • MIDI in
  • DIP switches
    • Internal = Both up
    • USB = Left up, Right down
    • MIDI = Both down
    • External Sync In = Left down, Right up
  • Kensington lock slot

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