Prophet 08
Top Panel
Text within [] indicates the control function when in the sequencer. These function labels appear in orange text on the control panel itself.
EG3 Destination |
EG3 Amount |
EG3 Velocity |
EG3 Delay |
LFO 1 button |
LFO Frequency |
LFO Amount |
Hold: Latch [Arpeggiator] |
Stack A/B |
Display |
Param1 |
+/Yes button |
Mod. Source:
Mod. Destination |
Mod. Amount |
EG3 Attack |
EG3 Decay |
EG3 Sustain |
EG3 Release |
LFO2 button |
LFO Shape with Key Sync button |
LFO Destination |
LFO Clock Divide |
[Gated Sequencer] |
Program button, Edit Layer B button, Global button, Compare button, Write button |
Param 2 |
-/No button |
Voice LEDs 1-4 |
Osc1 Frequency |
Osc1 Fine |
Osc1 Shape/PW |
Osc1 Glide |
Osc1/2 Mix |
LPF Frequency |
LPF Resonance |
LPF Envelope Amount (LED 1) |
LPF Velocity (LED 2) |
LPF Key Amount (LED 3) |
LPF Audio Mod (LED 4) |
Amp VCA Level (LED 5) |
Amp Env Amount (LED 6) |
Amp Velocity (LED 7) |
Amp Pan Speed (LED 8) |
Voice LEDs 5-8 |
Transpose Down button |
Transpose Up button |
Unison |
Osc2 Frequency (with Sync 2:1 button) |
Osc2 Fine |
Osc2 Shape/PW |
Osc2 Glide |
Noise |
LPF 4-Pole button |
LPF Delay |
LPF Attack (LED 9) |
LPF Decay (LED 10) |
LPF Sustain (LED11) |
LPF Release (LED12) |
Amp Delay (LED13) |
Amp Attack (LED 14) |
Amp Decay (LED 15) |
Amp Sustain (LED 16) |
Amp Release |
Master Volume |
Rear Panel
- DC in
- Power switch
- MIDI Out
- MIDI Thru
- MIDI Poly Chain Out
- Pedal/CV in
- Sustain pedal in
- Main Output – A (left)
- Main Output – A (right)
- Output B (left)
- Output B (right)
- Headphones