Rear Panel
- Left master out
- right master out (phono sockets duplicate 1/4″)
- Out A
- Out B
- Control 1/2
- Control 3/4/Expression
- Digital out (co-ax)
- MIDI Out
- Power
Front Panel
Knobs, top left
- Guitar/Bass input gain
- Drum part level
- Bass part level
- Master volume
Pad of 6 buttons
Effect |
Tuner |
Output Setting |
Song |
Kit |
Pad |
Row of 5 buttons
- Shift
- Display
- Edit
- Exit
- Enter
Row of 6 round buttons
- Rewind to start
- Rewind
- Fast Forward
- Loop
- Key
- Tempo (Tap)
Transport buttons
- Stop (long button)
- Play (long button)
- Record (small round button)
Right hand pad
Pattern |
Chord progression |
Fill-in |
Groove |
16/G/Crash 1 |
17/G#/Crash 2 |
18/A/Splash cymbal |
19/Bb/Bell |
20/b/Ride |
11/D/Tom 1 |
12/Eb/Tom 2 |
13/E/Tom 3 |
14/f/Tom 4 |
15/f#/China cymbal |
6/a/Cross stick |
7/Bb/Clap |
8/B/Cow bell |
9/C/Pedal high hat |
10/C#/Open high hat |
1/E/Kick 1 |
2/F/Kick 2 |
3/F#/Snare 1 |
4/G/Snare 2 |
5/G#/Closed high hat |
Front row
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- Bank
Front edge
- Phones
- Guitar/Bass